Marriage & Couples Therapy: My primary area of expertise is in marriage and couples therapy having completed thousands of hours as such a specialist over the past three decades. I was Clinical Director at the Cork Marriage Counselling Centre from 1990 to 2018 where I have functioned as a Clinical Supervisor, Professional trainer, and practitioner. I have worked extensively with a range of issues such as communications breakdown, domestic abuse, anger-management, infidelity, and personality problems with cause disturbing behaviour in the home. I have completed considerable research and published in this area.
Child Counselling and Assessments I began as a school counsellor in Chicago in the mid-eighties and have worked since then with children dealing with a variety of behavioral and emotional issues. I also provide counselling and assessment for children and parents dealing with marital breakdown and have been a practicing family law expert throughout these years..
Family Therapy: I have extensive experience in working with families dealing with issues related to parenting, child psychology, family breakdown, domestic abuse and violence, etc.
Domestic Violence & Abuse: I was founder of the Cork Domestic Violence Project in 1992 and set up the first intervention group programme in Ireland for abusive and controlling men. A considerable amount of my work throughout my career has been focused on assessing and assisting people dealing with the effects of abuse and coercive control. I have also also worked for a number of years with adult sex offenders having completed specialised training at the Gracewell Institute in Birmingham in 1994.
Professional Training and Supervision: I was an approved supervisor with the Family Therapy association of Ireland for 30 years. I have facilitated up to 100 workshops and training events throughout my professional career.
Writing: I have written three books (see this website). I also wrote a weekly column for the The Echo every week for about 10 years. I have published research articles on domestic violence, marital breakdown, and men’s issues.